About Me

In case you managed to miss the invisible "Hi, my name is Mia," widget to the right of this (if you did, don't worry. I would've missed it too.) then you may be interested to know that my name is Mia. And if you read that as Maia then welcome to 85% of the population. You're officially in the majority. Congratulations.
So I guess that's enough about you, then.
Just kidding; I love hearing about people (as long as you don't actually, like, tell me. Try wink it at me, or use telepathic messages. That way I won't actually have to pretend that I care; I can just give you a slightly confused look. Which is made of love. Promise.) that read my blog. I think I should underline that - I love hearing about people that read my blog; the rest of you obviously have no taste and are not worth my time. Kidding. Kind of. Seeing as you've made it this far (a whole two paragraphs - God, what a distance!) you might as well actually read my blog.
Or at least the end of this page. Seriously. Don't give up; it gets better.
Kind of.  Maybe  Slightly  Not really  I wouldn't say so  It comes and goes
I make up for it with my positivity and sparkling personality. In fact, I am often described as the light in people's life, guiding them with my wisdom and just general presence.  Who said that?  Urm...people  Were these people high, or just stupid?  I don't know what on earth you could possibly mean.   And my life skills. Such as the one in the picture below.

I guess this is the part where I write about what my blog is. 

This blog is . . . A little bit of me; it's for art, writing, fashion, beauty, tattoos, spotty socks,music, lists, random OCD induced rants about doors. Which I guess leads us onto the next section: me.
As I have mentioned (but you may have forgotten as it was pretty much a whole page ago) my name is Mia; I'm British (so you can blame the sarcasm, rudeness and just general pessimism on that) and 15. I'm also thinking really hard about what to put here. Well, I'm not a nice person. To be honest. I don't bitch, though, so there's that. 
I use photos in my blog a lot. Mainly because I like them but also because reading a long ass chunk of text is boring. I don't really pride myself on being different; I'm not a hipster - I'm not socially awkward. I don't sit on my phone and retweet depressing pictures all day. I have no burning passions. I'm not even boy-obsessed (although, to be fair, if you knew the guys at my school then you'd know why). So the whole "I'M TOTALLY DIFFERENT AND COOL, LOVE ME!" situation isn't working out well for me . . .
I have curly hair? I think that's about as much as I can really offer.
Congratulations to making it to the end of this page; I would give you a medal but I need them to feed my ego, so follow my blog for a cookie (the follow widget is at the bottom, don't panic.) and drop me a 'hi'. 


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